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Ways to stop Annihilator?

Hey all, I'm having a pickle here trying to figure out a way around or to stop annihilator abilities from effecting me. I currently use an all white angels deck, with a moderate amount of control and life gain, and I usually never have to worry about Eldrazi creatures getting out early in the game.

Until recently when my roommate made a polymorph deck with ways to creature creature tokens, mana, polymorphs, and his only two creatures being Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. I've seen him have both of the creatures out in 2-3 turns, and usually he'll have them out in less then 5 (We play accelerated). I've tried to use Admonition Angel and would exile his cards, Deathless Angel to make his tokens indestructible so he couldn't polymorph them. But, it requires 7-8 mana to pull these off, and by the time I'm able to do these combo's, he's one step ahead of me.

So, he can generally send upwards of 25/25 at you with Annihilator 10. After a week of getting stomped, mainly because there is very little you can do, I had to adapt. I created a blue/black control deck, with discard and life loss combos. Sad thing is, by the time I, or whoever is playing with us, has a proper combo set up, he's Annihilating everything.

Everyone is adapting around his deck. People are adding cards to search his library to pull creatures out of it. So he's throwing in negates and cancels.

So my question is this. How do I stop the Annihilator? I don't mind about his attacking strength, I can take care of that, I can't take care of losing most of my permanents. If it was once in a while it wouldn't be a problem, but when its almost every game it starts to get a little old. So is there anything that can be done? Or am I just screwed and need hide his deck in a safe place where it cannot harm another person?
Posted 26 March 2011 at 08:20


Only 3 ways, as far as i know, i run a nasty Polymorph deck myself;

1. Kill the tokens, without the tokens to use Polymorph on, he`s screwed.
2. Counter his Polymorph, or if he uses Proteus Staff(+ Polymorph, like i do), Stifle it or in this case Shatter it.
3. Don`t let him attack. Stingscourger works against both, a pretty absurd card - Blazing Archon if you can get it out fast, Linessa, Zephyr Mage on both. Or anything that has an activated ability to Tap target creature works.

You can also have 3 Chronomantic Escape on suspend, one each turn, or Consuming Vapors to deal with his creatures.

You should also note, his Ulamog is his biggest weakspot, get rid of him and you should have no trouble against him unless he has Emrakul in play. Use something to remove his Ulamog from the game, like Unmake. Faceless Butcher is nice too.

There`s also the question, how does he put tokens into play? Via instants/sorceries or enchantments? You should already have figured the answer to that.

However, to answer your question on how to prevent Annihilator, there`s nothing you can do, if he attacks - that`s it.

That is unless you guys play T2.
Posted 26 March 2011 at 09:09


kuroryuud is correct. get rid of his tokens, or stop his attack. put in angelic arbiter (to prevent him from attacking) or arrest the ulamog, put propaganda effects in play and tie up his mana, or use jester's cap card effects (memoricide, etc.) to remove ulamog and emrakul.
Posted 26 March 2011 at 14:31


Some good ideas so far. With my Blue/Black deck I've already used Consuming Vapors, then copied with Echo Mage on him, and thankfully I had my Leyline of Anticipation out so I could cast it as if It had flash. I've also used the Leyline of Anticipation to cast a clone soon as he cast Infinite Gyre or Ulamog (They are both Legendary, so by casting a clone the clone and original legendary creature would get destroyed. But a Mirror Gallery stopped that).

To get his tokens into play, he'll use this random land he has to search for a land and throw a 1/1 green ooze creature out. Theres an enchant land that turns the land into a creature, and is still a land (it costs only 1 blue), then he'll polymorph that. If he doesn't give either of those. He can use Gelatinous Genesis to get a few counters out. Sometimes he'll use an Awakening Zone, Although that slows him down, it still works.

Jiggs - I have a few Angelic Arbiters in my deck. With the Infinite Gyre, he gets a second turn. So its basically useless against that. Its helped once in a great while (if I can get it out). Against other decks it slows the game to a point where I can get all of my nasty creatures out then unleash hell upon my opponents.

I'll be adding the unmakes to my white deck. Thats for sure. Thats a pretty sweet instant. Jesters Cap looks fairly sweet and I'm pretty sure I'll be ordering a few of them on my next order. Blazing Archon is badass in itself, but to get out the mana quick enough to pay for him, and get him out will be a stroke of luck. I like to pride myself in the fact that my deck is fast with mana so I can pay for the expensive creatures early in the game. And it seems as if most Angels I have cost at least 6 mana. I think with my Angels Deck V.3 I should be able to do some work. I have all of your typical angel cards, and I'm adding Reya Dawnbringer to keep creatures in the battlefield (along with my Emeria, the Sky Ruins), and Adarkar Valkyrie to have him target the Eldrazi's if an opponent or I could destroy it that turn. As for the mana issue, Urza's Incubator and Belbe's Portal should take care of that. A white version of a Diabolic or Demonic Tutor would just make my deck I think.

Thanks so far guys.
Posted 26 March 2011 at 17:12


a much sweeter instant is swords to plowshares, but it cant target emracul though. thers this white spell (i forgot the name, but it was a recent card) that lets you name a card and the name card can not be played. im looking at the gatherer but i cant find it.
Posted 26 March 2011 at 17:21


Ooh, you prolly mean Meddling Mage or Voidstone Gargoyle. That works, just disable his Polymorph.

Temiller, you said something weird;
[QUOTE]With the Infinite Gyre, he gets a second turn[/QUOTE]

I guess you meant Emrakul here, but even if you did, just to let you and your friend know, you can shove this line into his face: "If Emrakul or Ulamog are not hardcast(if he`s putting them into play from his library and not playing them from his hand, paying their manacost) their triggered abilities that let the controller draw 4 cards and take an extra turn, don`t trigger. Because they`re not cast."
Posted 26 March 2011 at 17:56


Yeah, Sorry, I meant Emrakul.

And dear lord. That little bit of information has made my day. I give you 9000 internets, sir. One of the big determinants on why he usually wins is because of the extra turn and destroy target permanent ability of those two creatures. Some of the time, having that extra turn would have been a game changer. I can't believe none of the people we play with has ever noticed that, even with other creatures. I'm literally ecstatic right now. Which I'm also finding kind of sad because I'm 24, and should be focusing my time on school instead of mtg lol.
Posted 26 March 2011 at 18:18


another thing that can destroy the creatures is instead of using clone, use cryptoplasm from biesiege. once he polymorps a token, on your upkeep copy the eldrazi legendary creature then bring cryptoback w/ emeria or sun titan (because it is 3 to cast only) then have cosi's trickster reap the benefits (because it get's +1/+1 counters each time opponent shuffles his library)
Posted 26 March 2011 at 18:28


Glad to help, hopefully my friends see these comments if they lurk here, and take advice to improve their decks against my Poly, otherwise they hate it when i play with it, lol.

And regarding Emrakuls triggered ability, it says "when you cast", so the ability won`t trigger, but there are also creatures that have "comes into play" or "enters the battlefield" - those are different.

And worry not sir, for tis` a guilty pleasure no one can judge us for, if they do, give the big judges a deck and they`ll join the ranks. I should also be deep in my books now reading quantum physics or whatnot, but MTG is fun, so i can`t let it go =)
Posted 26 March 2011 at 18:31


this doesn't really help your predicament, but what is accelerated play?
Posted 14 April 2011 at 04:55
