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My first deck, what do you think?

Well, this is all I could think of for my first green deck that I found to be fun. Some would say this is a wolf deck, but to me it's more of a bunch of crap laying around that I've collected. Mind you that I'm some what new to mtg, and really don't have the mind or skills to pull of to many win's with the reast of the cards found in my collection, which rang from Zendikar to the new current set. Which is sad really... but, seeing I'm just getting back into it as of six or seven months ago now.

I'm what you could call a 100% green horn now, even if I have darn near every card from Zendikar and up, which rang from three to four of each card in each set. You could say i was a sucker and payed for ALOT of boxies trying to catch up since dropping out of the game years and years ago. (That was in no way a means to bragg, I'm simply letting those reading this know what I have, and currently able to use, aposed to having someone suggest using something I do not have out of the current set's I have.)

Anyways, I found playing green to be more fitting of my style. Everyone so far are wanting me to use a Jace the mind sculptor deck, and a mix there of. To be honest, blue decks or a mix there of is not my style... it's not that I can't play using blue, or any other color. Heck, I have a few decks that are in use at any local hobby shop that most see to be at the top in mtg. You name it, I've played with it or against it... and truth be told, so far... I suck and in real need of help in those other colors other then green... for now. ><

Anywho... With that in mind, this is my first GREEN deck, and I'm hoping it will do well against some friends of mine, and at the local hobby shop in my area. If any of you see it fit for me to add or take out cards or to question the deck that I'm using... that is in my collection which again rang from Zendikar to the current set thats out, then please do so. It will be very much useful...


Deck's Title- My Green Addiction

Creatures- 24

3x Master of the Wild Hunt

4x Vengevine

3x Wolfbrair Elemental

3x Elvish Archdruid

3x Fauna Shaman

4x Joraga Treespeaker

4x Birds of Paradise


Artifacts- 4

2x Sword of Body and Mind

2x Sword of Feast and Famine


Spells- 12

2x Garruk Wildspeaker

2x Nissa Revane

4x Momentous Fall

4x Beastmaster Acsension


Lands- 20

16x Forest

4x Oran-Rief, the Vastwood
Posted 27 March 2011 at 21:29


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