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Glissa the Toxic EDH Infect deck

My buddies are planning an EDH night, here is my first attempt.

Glissa the Toxic

It's an artifact heavy infect deck, hoping to keep bringing them back with Glissa. Evasion, pump up, draw card, a little removal and proliferate. Looks like it should be effective, but I'll find out next Monday.....

I haven't played any EDH yet and don't know what to expect. They are playing attack left and defend to the right, our usual multi-player rules. No free for all in the interest of time.

What is the most common kill method? 21 from a commmander or 40 general damage?

How many infect counters for a kill? Everything I found says 10 but that seems unfair, should be 20, as the life total has doubled.
Posted 28 March 2011 at 01:58


It is still 10 poison counters to kill, however in the interest of fairness and fun games, you might suggest making a house rule for your group. While I generally loath house rules, this is one of those few times I'd abide by one.

I'd suggest playing a few matches according to the rules as written, first, though. I suspect infect will be rather underwhelming even though it cuts your opponent's life to 1/4 instead of 1/2. Only introduce a new rule if it's really ruining the fun in games.
Posted 28 March 2011 at 13:39


Thanks for the reply. Yeah, guess we should try it first and see how it goes.

Nice deck comments. I thought about Mindslaver, but that's evil, even by my standards and I loves me some evil....
Posted 28 March 2011 at 23:09


It (Mindslaver) is evil, yes, but it is not an instant win con. You still have to work around the mana expenditure, which is quite high. Although having said that, it does lock down a single player once you have 10+ mana at your disposal, so long as they have non-first/doublestrike creatures to send at your Glissa during their combat phase.

I've had my Mindslaver out a total of 3 games, in one they managed to negate it and it provided an intense power strugle. In another it was an anticlimatic game stopper, and in the other it took a negligible role. So.. I guess I could go either way on that.
Posted 29 March 2011 at 04:38
