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New to Blue Control, need help/suggestions...

Trying to build a Standard Type II blue control deck with denial, cloning and stealing... basically I want the deck to use the opponents deck against themselves.. whatever they have, either I have or I simply deny them the use of it.


I think I have a good "start" here, but I'm open to suggestions, criticism, etc. I mostly play black, so playing blue is new for me.

Posted 04 April 2011 at 00:28


Well this is the wrong area to post, but I can give you a little help with this deck.

I would put in 4 Halimar Depths in place of 4 Islands... they can be used quite well with things such as:
Æther Tradewinds

You can also run cards like: Cryptoplasm to clone their creatures.

I am not personally a fan of Redirect but it's useable.

Just a few ideas for you :D
Posted 04 April 2011 at 02:31


[QUOTE=Safearus]Well this is the wrong area to post, but I can give you a little help with this deck.

I would put in 4 Halimar Depths in place of 4 Islands... they can be used quite well with things such as:
Æther Tradewinds

You can also run cards like: Cryptoplasm to clone their creatures.

I am not personally a fan of Redirect but it's useable.

Just a few ideas for you :D[/QUOTE]

Excellent ideas, thanks. Definately adding 4 Hamilar Depths. Cryptoplasm is nice as the game progresses.

Æther Tradewinds as oppsed to Regress? Deprive as opposed to Cancel?

What's the appropriate forum btw?
Posted 04 April 2011 at 03:55


The appropriate forums would be: "Standard Legal Deck Development"

Exactly, it gives you slightly more control on the board. Deprive is cheaper than Cancel, and the Tradewinds is more effective with the Halimar Depths ;)
Posted 04 April 2011 at 04:06


[QUOTE=Safearus]The appropriate forums would be: "Standard Legal Deck Development"

Exactly, it gives you slightly more control on the board. Deprive is cheaper than Cancel, and the Tradewinds is more effective with the Halimar Depths ;)[/QUOTE]

Very clever! I think I'll keep redirect in, in place of unsummon. I have enough creature denial/theft to keep the board safe for me - and I can hang onto a redirect for heavy direct damage.
Posted 06 April 2011 at 15:26
