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Howl of the Night Pack, question...

I'm confused... a friend of mine used howl of the night pack during a game between the both of us last night, and we both got into it a bit while dealing with the cards text.

It says "Put a 2/2 wolf token into play for each forest you control." The issue is that when he tapped seven forest and had nothing left over, he went ahead and slapped seven wolf tokens to the field. Which lead me to question if this was even possable.

So... can he do this? If so, please kindly explain how and why, because I'm very confused and would hate to call my friend on this issue again.
Posted 10 April 2011 at 20:12


Howl of the Night Pack is a 7 CMC spell...by tapping 7 forests all for green mana he can pay said mana cost to cast Howl of the Night Pack....if he has 7 forests (NOTE: NOT GREEN MANA SOURCES, ORAN-RIEF THE VASTWOOD ISN'T A FOREST) then he simply puts seven 2/2 wolves into play...no offense but I fail to see the confusion :|
Posted 11 April 2011 at 14:27


Just to expand a little (i think i see where the confusion is), the card doesn't say you have to have untapped forests, nor does it say you have to pay anything extra. You just count how many forests you control (that being lands with the subtype forest) and put that many 2/2 wolves into play. Sound good?
Posted 12 April 2011 at 03:23


[QUOTE=Scotty1700]Howl of the Night Pack is a 7 CMC spell...by tapping 7 forests all for green mana he can pay said mana cost to cast Howl of the Night Pack....if he has 7 forests (NOTE: NOT GREEN MANA SOURCES, ORAN-RIEF THE VASTWOOD ISN'T A FOREST) then he simply puts seven 2/2 wolves into play...no offense but I fail to see the confusion :|[/QUOTE]

No offense taken...

[QUOTE=NightLoki;23341]Just to expand a little (i think i see where the confusion is), the card doesn't say you have to have untapped forests, nor does it say you have to pay anything extra. You just count how many forests you control (that being lands with the subtype forest) and put that many 2/2 wolves into play. Sound good?[/QUOTE]

Thank you, this answeared my question, and I am sorry for the confusion to what my question was really about, and I guess to make things clear on all ends. Yes, I was wanting to know if he had tapped the seven forest for the card, and had nothing left over at all, could he get the seven wolves.

Which by your statement he can. Which in doubt answeared another question I failed to bring up. Which was if a forest was tapped is still counted under a players control. Anyways, thank you gentleman for your time.
Posted 12 April 2011 at 12:45


No problem, no problem at all. Just remember, stuff that asks for forests is not asking for green mana (which just happens to be produced by forests) and vice versa.
Posted 14 April 2011 at 17:40
