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try an angel bomb

ive been playing for about 6 months but the guy who introduced me hasnt been playing for years so i think most of the stuff i know is outdated. ive built a few decks and decided i want a good angel deck with some decent green mana boosters and some simple blue spells. if anyone would take a look and give me some pointers id really appreciate the help.

Posted 11 April 2011 at 17:02


there's some decent cards in there but your first step will be to focus this deck and make it consistent.

ie: pick the 10-12 cards that you think work best together and use 3-4 copies of those, rather than 40+ singles which gives you an unpredictable deck that will rarely perform well.

next: drop blue. white with a splash of green for combat tricks and mana acceleration should be enough. thew more colours you have, the bigger the risk you'll be sitting on dead cards you can't cast

and lastly, drop your mana curve WAY down. the majority of your deck should be at 4CC and under, should not have more than 6-8 cards at 5-6CC.
7CC cards are probably not worth playing unless you have enough mana acceleration AND they are instant game winners.

that should be enough to get you started =)
Posted 11 April 2011 at 17:44


gotcha that makes sense though i knew about the majority being high CC which is why i added the majority of the green in there for adding mana of any color. but ill chop it down and see what happens. also ive been wondering about mirror of fate's text. ive had it explained that you sacrifice it then choose 7 cards out of your deck, show your opponent the cards then put them on your library in any order. the text on the card itself is rather vague for me so any explanations would be appreciated
Posted 11 April 2011 at 18:24


the 7 cards are not chosen from your library..they are cards that have been put into the exile zone by other spells and abilities.
Posted 11 April 2011 at 18:32


thats kinda what i got from what mirror of fate says but i was trusting my friend since hes been playin alot longer than me
Posted 11 April 2011 at 18:43


okey dokey revised a bit dont really have that many doubles and i dont have 3 of any real good card i have but here it is


going to be getting 3 more soul wardens and 2 essence wardens. also thinking about throwing in 2 more archon of redemption's
Posted 12 April 2011 at 15:44
