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Pretty handy draw mechanic for caw-blade introduced?!

So I finally traded for a couple cards from NP (Two Puresteel Paladins and a batterskull) and I thought I'd just bring up the combo for card-draw in any caw-blade deck. For 5 mana you can draw a card every turn which isn't great...but I personally like a green/white version and it's rather shocking. It seems this general deck-type has an answer to everything now and it's rather crazy haha.

Also, the combo is at the end of turn (ideally the best time to do it) pay 3 into the batterskull to return it to your hand, pay two to tap a stoneforge and drop it into play, and draw a card from puresteel. All this requires 4 colorless and 1 white and can be done at instant speed, I find it quite broken, especially since it feeds the two molten-tail masticores in my deck (they fit so well in any deck that can get a good amount of mana and has a big creature base.)
Posted 10 May 2011 at 00:41


Depending on the colors you want to play for CawBlade it is viable to do. Personally I'm running :manaw::manar::manau: in my rendition. And normally I leave land for counterspells, or a Condemn. But the rendition I'm running is far from normal... It's not the BEST draw engine, but would work quite nicely for that extra little draw.

Deck Link: CawBlade :manaw::manar::manau:

And just wondering, anyone else seen Luminarch Ascension in a CawBlade before? LoL
Posted 10 May 2011 at 14:10
