Discussion Forum

Sealed Deck Construction

I've seen a lot of people asking about sealed and draft deck construction, so I'm devoting this week on my blog to those 2 topics.

Today I opened 3 packs of Scars and 3 packs of New Phyrexia, and built a deck out of it. The whole time recording my thought process.

You can see the construction process here:

And the final deck here:

Let me know what you guys think, and as always I love comments and criticism.

Posted 17 May 2011 at 05:47


I like this idea! I'm drafting atm, so I'll make some constructive comments after I finish. Looks good for now though.

There are two cards that jump out at me that you did not play: Chimeric Mass and Thundering Tanadon. Tanadon is a scary 4 drop even at a cost of 4 life that can just win you games, I highly reccomend playing it in, well, everything. The Chimeric Mass on the other hand is a massively versatile guy that's good at 3 mana and great at 6. It's really good and I'd also play it in just about everything. I would've cut snapsail glider and Iron Myr for the two of 'em, you don't really need the third myr and the glider is not great.
Posted 17 May 2011 at 05:57


Thanks for the comments Loki. I do like the idea of the Chimeric Mass, but I was going to replace the shrine with it.
The Tanadon is pretty good, but the fact that in this deck I would be forced to pay 4 life for him, I don't think he would be a good fit. If I had any other life gain, like from white or something, I would be a lot less hesitant to play him.
Posted 17 May 2011 at 19:06


Nevertheless, That guy is a quantifiable bomb and should be played. Especially in sealed, because it's such a slow format. 4 life ain't much for a card that can turn around and win you the game half the time.
Posted 17 May 2011 at 23:01


I ended up making 3 changes.
Blistergrub -> Fallen Ferromancer
Geth's Verdict -> Grasp of Darkness
Shrine -> Gremlin Mine

I played the deck 3 games against my friend who just placed 2nd in a Magic-League sealed tournament.

The short of it:
Game 1: I win on turn 8. Mortis dogs hitting the graveyard FTW.
Game 2: He wins on turn 14ish. He finally gets out something that I can't kill, a Thundering Tanadon with a Sickleslicer on it.
Game 3: I win on turn 5 (technically 6, but he scoops). Floods of little creatures, and no 5th turn land drop for him.

Turn by turn writeup (with pictures!) on my blog :)

Take-aways. Mortis Dogs are still awesome. I never once got Mimic Vat, so I never got to even play with all the synergy that I built in with it. Bleak Coven Vampires also never came up. Sword of Feast and Famine died twice, both times to Acid Web Spiders sitting in his hand waiting.

Is there anything that anyone would like to see me do for tomorrow's blog? I didn't get very many hits yesterday, so I'm assuming that Sealed isn't as exciting as I thought it would be. Maybe a draft report and tech?
Posted 18 May 2011 at 04:42


Not sure if you play it, but I personally find Draft tournaments to be moreso interesting than Sealed. Mainly from the thought process that goes into picking each card that you select. But also, the decks tend to have no choice but to vary more frequently, can't draft as many mono black decks as people would like. Just an idea :)
Posted 18 May 2011 at 15:45
