Discussion Forum

Red/Green Boring but Solid Tempo Deck


I'm still up in the air about whether or not I want 4 seal of fire and 2 seal of strength or vice versa. Maybe 3 of each? Dunno. Maybe someone can reccomend some of the newer cards to replace anything with in this deck. All suggestions are welcome.

There are a few different directions this deck could take, with a side board of 15 cards, it could be transformed into a nasty late game deck, by adding 3 more land, 2 soul majesty, 1 kird ape and 1 skitter of lizards; the spark elementals and getting rid of all seals except 3 seal of strengths. Leaving more mana power in late game to pump up skitter of lizards, and pump up creatures to draw more cards with soul majesty, for late game boost.

As for the seal of strength vs seal of fire
Seal of fire can get around blockers every time, and could serve as a blocker esp when doubled up or used with other direct damage; seal of strength can effectively get around blockers on a trampler, and potentially deal 1 more damage to the player, or help kill a stronger blocked or blocking creature. Seal of strength cannot help me get rid of fliers, unless the opponent blocks with a flier, knowing damn well that I can kill it with the seal. I'm not worried about fliers much, since I should be able to kill the enemy quick if I'm going to win at all, not leaving much time for a flier to do anything to me.

Anyway, suggestions?
Posted 24 May 2011 at 20:28


I'd definitely run Chain Lightning over Seal of Fire, it's essentially another 4 lightning bolts. Finding them is the issue however (there's a few in the Fire and Lightning Premium Series deck, that'd be the most recent printing).
Posted 25 May 2011 at 00:20
