Discussion Forum

Recycle and Control

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=190402 got it set out there. The idea is that the few number of creatures will be bolstered by the followed footsteps. If you don't have the mana to play Tidal Kraken or Spirit of the Night it's no biggie. You can make yourself discard them and then Recurring Nightmare them into play. That's the worse case, though. Hopefully you'll be drawing enough mana to counter your enemies spells and making them discard so they can't play anything. Decree of Silence is a great late game hold and Meddle is in there in case they try to jack your Followed Footsteps monsters. As far as drawing goes just ninjitsu a Ninja of the Deep Hours where a Faerie Conclave used to be and your gravy. Coastal Piracy is in there just in case and combined with Ninja of the Deep Hours can have you drawing like a maniac. In case they've got a good enough defense you've got Train of Thought. The shining moment for this deck is Eye of the Storm combined with Arcane Laboratory. Counterspell the only spell they can play that turn and then drop an recalled Befoul, Coercion, or Whiplash Trap and hold them back even more.

I love this deck and it's hella fun to play with, but I'm curious what the communities thoughts on it are. Any suggestions or comments would be much appreciated.
Posted 28 May 2011 at 22:18


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