Discussion Forum

EDH Newb

So, I've been toying with the idea of building an EDH deck.
I was wondering if Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer would be a good General.

I mean, for 5 converted mana, you get a 5/4 with Metalcrafting: Creatures you control get +3/+0
It would limit me to playing only Red and White with my deck, but I figure for a noob to EDH, two colors should be fine.

I always seem to draft whites and artifacts, and my first time drafting, I drafted a White Metalcrafting deck.
So I think it could work with my play style, as well as the cards I own.

Any thoughts/suggestions?
Posted 15 June 2011 at 04:50


Well, using Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer isn't a bad concept. I've considered it myself. Running white/red you have access to a lot of creature removal, aswell as mass removal effects. My personal statement beyond this is, build a deck and post a link to it, this way someone can at least get a general idea of what you want, and can help you build from it.
Posted 15 June 2011 at 15:51


yeah, he should be pretty good as a general, very aggresive. probably best for 1vs1 games. in long multiplayer games you'll get behind pretty fast running only RW.
Posted 15 June 2011 at 20:39


There are some pretty potent W/R spells, such as Lightning Helix and Balefire Liege, and W gives you access to other boosts like Tempered Steel and Enlightened Tutor for an artifact themed deck. There are plenty of powerful artifacts as well, such as Sensei's Divining Top, Lightning Greaves, and the Sword of ... cycle, which I try to run in pretty much every EDH deck I build.

I think you could pull off a pretty potent & aggressive artifact themed deck backed up by a few R/W powerhouse spells. Post a deck link once you have something figured out :)
Posted 16 June 2011 at 15:22


I think that any Legend can be a great general as long as you build the right deck around him/her/it( Excluding something as stupid as Atogatog).:D
Posted 16 June 2011 at 15:46
