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Red Card, Dead Card

This is my rendition of a red card = dead card deck. Legacy/Vintage cards. The goal is to destroy your opponent's cards wile riddling his life down with howling mine/underworld dreams combo. Basically mills opponent out on the side, but the draw power is for you to get elemental blasts in your hand with the laces.


Any suggestions will be much appreciated!
Posted 21 June 2011 at 19:26


You basically need 2 cards to destroy 1, that seems aweful. Even if your opponent plays a mono red or mono blue deck half of your cards are dead. On top of that you provide your opponent with options by giving him extra cards which is never a good idea.
Your only win is underworld dreams, if your opponent can destroy 1, maybe two in a game he wins. You yourself play permanent destruction, I'm sure the people you play with do the same.

The only way to play this deck the way I see it is to use blasts to destroy your opponents land and hope his deck is slow so he can't handle it.
Posted 22 June 2011 at 07:08
