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FFA Birthing Pod Abuse Deck

Ive been trying to think up neat ways to exploit the birthing pod in group play, and I think I have come up with a pretty nasty FFA deck.


I was curious if anyone had any suggestions to tighten this bad boy up. It basically revolves around feeding wurmcoils into the pod to get out some nasty bad dudes, and then bring back the wurmcoils with sheoldred (or whatever else I sacced on the way up to building the combo, like metamorphs or clone shells) If I can get a mirror works into play, this could get really out of hand. The massive board effects should be able to deal with most any threat.

I'm kinda wondering if the kills are even necessary though, I could bring in more counters, or some preordains to replace them. (or even some diablic tutors actually)

Just recently getting back into Magic, New Phyrexia is super hot to me. I stopped playing around the invasion cycle.
Posted 02 August 2011 at 10:20


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