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Using Copy Enchantment...

So, I've just casted a Copy Enchantment and chose a Beastmaster Ascension. As it was still on the stack, someone Naturalized the Beastmaster Ascension to stop me from copying it. I originally thought the "target" is no longer there, therefore Copy Enchantment fizzles. In retrospect, however, I'm not so sure anymore since it's not actually targeting. Could I chose another enchantment to copy or would Copy Enchantment fizzle as I originally thought? I wanted to make sure in case something like this happens again. This question can also be applied to things like Clone and Copy Artifact since they don't target.
Posted 12 September 2011 at 03:01


Copy Enchantment cannot be countered by destroying it's target because it does not have a target. It does not have a target because it does not say the word "target"

Copy enchantment becomes a copy of something as it resolves. By the time you declare what you are copying, it is too late to respond.

Copy enchantment can copy an enchantment with shroud because it does not use the word "target".

The same goes for all similar effects.
Posted 12 September 2011 at 04:24


I see. So when casting Copy Enchantment or anything with a similar ability, it's better to just say "I cast ~" and wait for a response before declaring what I'm copying. Thank you for clarifying.
Posted 12 September 2011 at 05:28
