Discussion Forum

Liliana of the Veil

So, I purchased 20 booster packs and ended up with a few Mystic Rare including 2 Liliana of the Veil. I'm thinking about putting in my Elixir Artifact that allows me to tap 4 mana sacrifice it, and gain 5 health and put my cards that were in the GY back in my library and shuffle it.. What do you think about that idea?
Posted 03 October 2011 at 11:19


brilliant!!! :)

So you think the downside of discarding cards is counterbalanced by shuffling the discarded cards back into your library? That's very interesting because of all places cards can be in your library is probably the most difficult place to get to them.

Cards in your hand: easy access, just use them
Cards in the yard: access through reccursion, flashback, you name it, plenty of ways to do it
Sideboard: access through use of wish cards
Your Library: Tutors, and tutors are concidered overpowered so either they are very costly to the point of unusable (Diabolic Tutor) or banned/restricted (demonic tutor, Vampiric Tutor, etc...)
Posted 03 October 2011 at 12:20


I agree with Seth. Elixir of Immortality is a very good card in casual, and even better in limited, but it pretty much nerfs Liliana's true power. Rather than return cards to your library, where you'd be losing card advantage, try building around Liliana using cards that work out of your graveyard. :manab::manag: is probably best suited for this, with cards that /want/ to be in your graveyard. If you're not playing standard, then look into abilities such as madness, dredge, delve, built in recursion (Bloodghast, Nether Shadow), flashback. If you are playing standard, Innistrad has plenty of cards that like it when you put things into your graveyard -- quite a few green creatures, anything with flashback, Snapcaster Mage, Skaab Ruinator, Zombies in general...
Posted 03 October 2011 at 14:34


well I do have cards that have them discard their cards and I have 4 Elixir of Immoratlity in the deck as well. Not a good Idea then right. My main purpose of this deck is to make them run out of cards quick and sacrifice their creatures with my other sorcery or instant spells.
Posted 06 October 2011 at 08:02


for the record, it only costs 2 to use elixir of immortality's ability. u said 4 lol (Kao007)
Posted 20 December 2011 at 21:53
