Discussion Forum

Modern Venge-Zoo

This deck is based (loosely) off a standard home brew from a good friend of mine back when Naya dominated standard. The idea is that Vengevine becomes a terrifying inevitability against any opponent, and the most reliable way to play him is with one drops. I'm not nearly as good a deckbuilder as this guy was, but I wanted to give my own crack at it. Thoughts? Suggestions?

I'm debating putting in a few Steppe lynx, since it's not unheard of to have them attacking for 4 on turn 2, but I'm not sure if it's really worth it.


Thanks! :)
Posted 10 November 2011 at 00:11



2xSakura-Tribe Elder
1xGrim Lavamancer
1xRanger of Eos


4xLotus Cobra

This gives you more explosiveness and you have more mana to cast multiple creatures for vengevine abuse.

Eternal witness is awesome with vengevine but 4 seems way to much, 2 would be enough. That opens 2 slots. Goyfs would be nice but I guess you don't have them. Something to discard creatures to like Wild Mongrel would be very powerfull but I don't think there is any such creature in your colors in Modern.

You could always play bloodbraid.

What you can also do is play 2 to 3 Plow Under which is pretty absurt when you play Ajani Vengeant. With Lotus Cobra and Birds you can potentially play it quite early and with witness you can create a nice timewalking lock.
Posted 10 November 2011 at 09:24


Thanks a ton, you are always a ton of help! I like the suggestions you made, especially with the lotus cobra... I always loved that card!

What do you think about Boom/Bust? I feel like it could be a pretty decent combo with ajani and Knight of the reliquary. Thoughts?
Posted 10 November 2011 at 20:54


glad to help.

I think playing boom/bust is gamble. half of the time it won't be to your benefit to play it and it'll mean holding a dead card.
Posted 13 November 2011 at 21:28
