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UWr BladeControl

Going to try and make UWr BladeControl work in Legacy.

Posted 17 November 2011 at 13:00


I've made a bunch of changes since I started testing it, mostly to the sideboard. So far it performs very well.

mainboard Sword of Body and Mind: Despite the big downside of milling it offers the best protection in legacy and creatures blockers. It's seems to be the best sword I've tested. The milling 10 cards is a pain though, Goyfs, Terravores and Knights get bigger, Snapcaster has more targets, Grim lavamancer gets his food, life from the loam decks get fueled...

- Manriki-Gusari has been very good against the mirror.
- Enlightened Tutor toolbox has been really useful, I wish I had a spot to put in a 3th Tutor. Against Bant I always side in Tutors and Relic of Progenitus.

I've just dropped my 4th jace for Elspeth. I hope this will improve the control matchup.
I also dropped Riptide Laboratory. It's too big a wasteland magnet and it makes my 3 color manabase less stable.
Posted 23 November 2011 at 10:18


it does work in legacy, its usualy part of team america.
Posted 23 November 2011 at 13:11


[QUOTE=mtglord]it does work in legacy, its usualy part of team america.[/QUOTE]

Are you refering to Riptide Laboratory? Yeah it's pretty awesome and when I was still playing UW StoneBlade I played 2xRiptide Laboratory and 4xSnapcaster and I was very happy with the package. I just fear that putting it in my list is pushing it against decks that disrupt my manabase.
Also Team America is a deck with a really vulnerable manabase. You want to wasteland against them to disrupt them. My deck plays a lot of basic land, people will hold their wastelands for my Riptide and Karakas. So they are big targets. That and Riptide is useless early game, it's strong midgame and midgame people will have found their wasteland against me so the chance of me getting any use out of it is small.
Posted 23 November 2011 at 13:54


Played it this weekend at an +100player tournament. 7 rounds, I went 4-3. I was at 4-2 and had to play the last match against my teammate who was at 4-2 as well and I lost because of a stupid risk I took match 3.

I played against:

round 1: RW Burn: 2-1 win.
round 2: Mono red Burn: 2-1 win.

round 3: 0-2 loss against NLT played by a friend of mine who is just a far better player then I am. Very enjoyable game where we both tried to out control eachother. Very close matches with tons of interaction.

round 4: 0-2 loss. This was interesting. He played Pattern Hulk a deck I had never heard of but I knew the combo once I saw it. I had no interaction against this guy, he just walked all over me but I enjoyed the show. Good player playing a rogue deck, always interesting. For everyone looking for a fairly cheap legacy deck I really suggest you look into this. It's an awesome deck.

round 5: 2-0 win. UW Stoneblade, an exact copy of the SCG Open winning deck. Basically the mirror only that I had red and could side in red elemental blasts. It was a pretty easy game for me. I like playing the control matchup and just playing it slow, taking my time and win with Jace.

round 6: 2-0 win. RUG Tempo, again a SCG Open winning build with the guy playing an all foil deck (must have cost a fortune). These games are pretty easy for me. I know the stocklist and it plays 18 land, what a gamble. Game one I killed him with Jace. Game two he opens with Tropical and playes delver. I open with wasteland, it was a gamble. Turn 1 on the draw playing wasteland is bad play but I took the risk having kept a land heavy hand myself. He fliped delver on his turn and played wasteland :)
I knew I had him. I took the damage. In my turn I topdecked a path to exile. awkward. I just wasted his land and now my best option was path while he was mana screw and color screw.
I played a plains and said go. He did play land, attacked, I path to exile his guy and he says ok, I don't search. I went LOL.
Few turns later I played Jace and he scooped it up.

round 7: 1-2 loss. I play against my teammate who is playing Hive Mind. I'm in 14th place, he is 13th with better resistance. We decide to play it out because chances of either of us making top 8 where as good as 0 with all the guys at 5-1-0 just agreeing on a draw. So we play for the Top 16 which had a foil Vendilion Clique. He wins game 1. I win game 2. I fuck up game 3 and he takes the Clique and I go home empty handed.

I was a useful experience and fun. It's a good deck and the games I lost I lost because I made mistakes (with the exception of the Pattern Hulk deck, which was just awesome). Next sunday I'm taking the list to the next tournament.
Posted 28 November 2011 at 08:35
