Discussion Forum

Mindslaver questions?

Okay so my friend is using a mindslaver and when he uses he sacs all of the permanents that i or someone else controls. I was wondering if he's using it incorrectly or if you can actually do that.
Posted 26 November 2011 at 04:32


You may only sacrifice permanents you control, if you control an ability that allows you to sac them. If you do not control an ability that allows you to do anything like that, then you may not sacrifice any such permanents. A card such as a Viscera Seer, would be used to sacrifice creatures. Whenever a player uses mind slaver, they gain control of you, see all the cards you do, etc. It's basically you that's still playing, but with someone over you shoulder telling you what to do, and you don't have a choice otherwise. You are still constrained to the rules of the game however.
Posted 26 November 2011 at 15:01


To put it simply you need something to make you sacrifice stuff. You cannot, for any reason, randomly sacrifice something without any ability forcing you to do so.
Posted 28 November 2011 at 08:51
