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legacy rdw Sideboard

when i was making a sideboard i hit a block and that is do i play Blood Moon becaues it hard to kill or Magus of the Moon becaues it can beat
Posted 07 December 2011 at 21:18


depends on the meta. What kind of tournaments do you play? If it's the top level kind do you feel straight burn is enough to Top8 and is color screwing the other guy going to be enough?
Most decks these days play basic lands, some a lot, but a few still don't play any basic land (but these do have Force of Will and additional counters + post sideboard spell pierce)

Team America/BUG Control: No basic land or 1 at most. This is a great deck to mana screw.
GW Maverick: Also a great deck to fuck with although they do have basics.
Fish/Goblins/Elves: Blood Moon/Magus are useless
Tempo Tresh (RUG): great deck to color screw, very greedy land base.
UW Control: you pretty much can't color screw them but if you can stick a blood Moon you kill their fetchland and shuffle effects which slows them down A LOT!!! (they play 24 land so they need Brainstorm and Jace + fetch to dig for answers)
Bant: Blood moon can be great but if they open with hierarch it's pretty useless.
Combo (Reanimator/TES/ANT/Hive Mind/High Tide/Elves): To fast and usually rather mono colored.

Against combo you can play 3xPyrostatic Pillar which is very nice. Against Blue deck you can play Red Elemental Blasts.

I also believe the more damage you can de using creatures the better your chances of winning. Burn to the face hardly cuts it. I used to play 4 Magus main when I was still running Burn, that and Ankh of Mishra.

Dipping blue if you have fetchlands is a very good option. You can play Snapcaster Mage and Delver of Secrets. Ponder and Brainstorm. You also can play counters like spell pierce and Daze which give you a chance against combo.
Posted 08 December 2011 at 08:14
