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My first deck after a 12 year hiatus

I recently got back into Magic after 12 years off (Mercadian Masques was the last set that was released before I stopped playing).. This is my first attempt at building a deck since then. It centers around direct damage with unblockable creatures and Curse of Stalked Prey to accelerate that damage. The blue cards are there to hold the opponent off until I can deal enough damage.

I'm sure there are tons of problems with this deck, so I'd love to hear your opinions on it.


Posted 20 December 2011 at 14:54


A couple of things:
1) Goblin fireslinger's ability doesn't work with the curse of stalked prey, because the damage the fireslinger deals is not combat damage. You may want to try replacing it with Aether figment.

2) You may want to try using world at war instead of Relentless assault, it has a similar effect, but it gets rebound for only :mana1: greater.

3) I don't really think that you need the unsummons if you have the vapor snags. You may want to try replacing them with negates or something similar to that, because the mana leak just doesn't always cut it.
Posted 21 December 2011 at 02:49
