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MTG March Drawing Challenge!

Hear yea, hear yea! Test your pens and brushes and tablets and skills of the artist in this drawing challenge! A picture a day, all Magic themed! The "rules" are pretty simple. Every day you draw something based on the prompt. In general, your favorite card of that type is what you should (could) do. But it's really up to you!

Few of us can match the skill of MTG's artists. That's not the point! Re-imagine the card and what it means to you! Be creative! Some of us will doodle. Others might produce master pieces. It will all be awesome!

So here are the proposed days. When I get some free time I'll make a graphic calendar sometime before the big day. I chose March as it has 31 days (meaning more drawing than if it were February). Could probably make a Facebook event/group for this as well to help with sharing what we draw. Anyway, here it is:

Day 1: Favorite :manag: card
Day 2: Favorite :manaw: card
Day 3: Favorite :manau: card
Day 4: Favorite :manar: card
Day 5: Favorite :manab: card
Day 6: Favorite colorless card
Day 7: Favorite Elf
Day 8: Favorite Angel
Day 9: Favorite Merfolk
Day 10: Favorite Goblin
Day 11: Favorite Vampire
Day 12: Favorite Creature
Day 13: Favorite Enchantment
Day 14: Favorite Artifact
Day 15: Favorite Instant
Day 16: Favorite Sorcery
Day 17: Favorite Planeswalker
Day 18: Favorite Land
Day 19: Favorite Common
Day 20: Favorite Uncommon
Day 21: Favorite Rare
Day 22: Favorite Mythic Rare
Day 23: Favorite from Alpha Set
Day 24: Favorite Set (pick a card or cards or ideas that really embody this set and make a scene that screams Zendikar or Urza's Legacy and so on)
Day 25: Favorite from Unhinged and/or Unglued
Day 26: Favorite Deck (draw whatever embodies your favorite deck to play)
Day 27: Favorite 0 Cast
Day 28: Favorite Combo (you could even paint how the cards would interact)
Day 29: Favorite Trash (the useless card you'd never use but always had a soft spot for)
Day 30: First Card (or the earliest card you remember owning)
Day 31: Favorite Card Ever

So there we go. And of course, if you really hate a particular day, nobody will kill you if you decide to draw something else. Maybe you'd rather draw dragons than merfolk or even in place of a mythic rare. Be sure to share your drawings through DeviantArt or Photobucket or even Facebook. Whatever works.

I can't wait to see what the community comes up with!

Oh yeah, and try not to do repeats!
Posted 16 January 2012 at 19:33


Can you draw crappy stick figures XD
Posted 17 January 2012 at 21:28


Haha, go for it!

If anyone's wondering, for about $50-100 you can get a decent drawing tablet. That and Paint.net or any other halfway decent program can have pretty awesome results. After that it's just a matter of how much time you want to put into it. But most of all, it's great fun!
Posted 20 January 2012 at 01:15


Sounds good to me, hopefully I'll find the time to at least sit down with a pen and get some sketches done each day, I don't think I can put up a colored piece every day... maybe if I feel really inspired I'll break out that charcoal and beast something nice out.
Posted 20 January 2012 at 06:51


I attached a picture for the first one since I do not have an account on any of the listed website. It isn't great, but it's the best I can do. Green Sun's Zenith is attached. It is supposed to look like a beast undergoing Phyresis as it is descending, and its Mirrodin symbol is turning into that of Phyrexia. The figure on the right is supposed to be Vorinclex.
Posted 02 February 2012 at 21:33


Out of curiosity, would 3d drawing programs be viable? Something like Solidworks, or Maya maybe?

Ornithopter is my favourite card ever, I dont know how good I could render one, but Id give it a shot in SW.
Posted 03 February 2012 at 04:56


Go for it! Really it's just to help people get into the habit of drawing/doing art every day. Whatever your preferred method is fine. It's exciting to see people already getting started!
Posted 03 February 2012 at 05:34
