Discussion Forum


Hear is the challenge: Make a deck based around death and or diesies.
For example a deathtouch or infect or morbid deck. It can be any color and must be leagle in type II(Standard).

Hear is mine.
Posted 26 January 2012 at 18:35


I just put this together and it looks promising. It also happens to fit what you're looking for. Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=288451
Posted 30 January 2012 at 03:15


I have both a very fun morbid deck and a reliable infect deck. Here they are.

Morbid. As most morbid all about killing things. It has a lot of ways to kill something or sacrifice your own creatures until you can get out your power houses with their additional effects.

Infect. I typically play it where i do one damage to them with my unblockable creatures then proliferate to win, although sometimes i do need help from my creatures which never seems to be a problem since i do get enough out while keeping my foes weak.
Posted 05 February 2012 at 14:16
