Discussion Forum

Play L5R for Free (this is not spam!!)

A friend of mine just started playing Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) and pointed me to this site:

It's part of the official L5R site, and part of a promotion they're running for the new set they're releasing. They have nine free to play decks (one for each clan) that you can print off and place in card sleeves, which are actually tournament legal! How cool is that!?

Just thought I'd pass this along, since it seems like a cool chance to try something new. Tell your friends, and see if you can get a few games going :)
Posted 30 January 2012 at 04:55


This sounds cool and all, but just a word of advice...I wouldn't put "NOT SPAM!" in a topic title...whether it is or not =P
Posted 30 January 2012 at 23:48
