Discussion Forum


Hey I am new here, so I thought I would say hello to everyone

So I only play magic casually every fortnight or so with some friends (so excuse my lack of knowledge ^_^)

While I'm here I was wondering if anyone could take a look at a deck I just made and perhaps give me some suggestions and useful tips :) ? The main thing I am concerned with is that it is fun to play and reasonably cheap to purchase


I wanted to post this in the other forum relating to new deck, although it seems I can't :/

Also apologies in advance if I have broken any forum rules or etiquette with this post

Thank you ^_^
Posted 06 February 2012 at 10:55


Demonic Tutor is a restricted card, means you can only play 1.


Rest of the deck looks ok except maybe that it's going to be very difficult to play spells like Debtors' Knell and Angel of Despair on 20 land and 2 signets.
Posted 06 February 2012 at 15:05


So not the most populous forums, or just not very friendly :/ ?

Thanks for the advice Seth, I had no Idea about the Tutor being restricted

Don't think I will bother coming back though
Posted 10 February 2012 at 06:47
