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New to magic, deck help?


link to my slightly edited gravepower deck, any tips on how to improve it?

i was thinking laboratory maniac..
Posted 11 March 2012 at 20:39


Well i'm pretty damn far from being an experienced player, but i can give you my opinion.

I see your using the DA gravepower deck as the foundation which I also have for a deck.

Two cards you got in yours really surprised me since I didn't know em and they're pretty damn nice especially due to having flashback(which really is helpful when you throw all you can into the grave)

I'm talking about: Forbidden Alchemy & Mystic Retrieval

if you use laboratory maniac then a good card to go along it would be "Mirror mad phantasm"

I got way to many cards in mine for the optimal deck but here's my deck(or rather the deck I aim towards)


agh damn just noticed Forbidden Alchemy need Black for flashback :(
and Mystic Retrieval need red :/

I'm kinda saddened by the few replies there seem to be on mtg deck creations, very few replies in threads I've made here and even fewer on salvation(3 threads 0 replies, but a lot of views)

The cards i'd suggest replacing in your deck first and foremost:
Moon Heron and Hollowhenge Beast

You can get better monsters for the same cast cost as Heron that are also blue and flying where as for Hollowhenge I'd suggest getting Leatherback Baloth instead costs 2 less and only got 1 less power(however It does require 3 forests instead of 3 colorless and 2 forests) of if your going to make a bigger change to your deck then: Nulltread Gargantuan instead
Posted 12 March 2012 at 14:40


Thank you for the input! I rather like the looks of Nulltread Gargantuan and Mirror-mad Phantasm! And as far as the flashbacks of Forbidden Alchemy and Mystic Revival, i could consider throwing 1-2 birds of paradise in there to replace my moon herons..
Posted 12 March 2012 at 23:31


well birds of paradise is rarely a bad addition.
besides even if they end in your graveyard they'll just buff your splinterfrights.

just make your deck how you like it ;)
Posted 12 March 2012 at 23:55


I'll look into prices lol, but mirror mad phantasm seems like a sweet addition..
Posted 13 March 2012 at 00:18


well got any other decks you'd like an opinion on?

i'll likely be less helpful though since this one just managed to use the same foundation as my own :P

If you by any chance got any suggestions or opinions for some of my decks I'm all ears.

Though you shouldn't consider the stuff i got at sideboards it's mostly just cards i've been considering for the decks.

decks I aim towards:

G/R Elemental deck:

G/Blue Gravepower:

G/W/Black Treefolk

Decks i got but really is nothing but casual play :o

W/R test deck(looked at some old cards i had and tried to make some kind of deck out of em)

Blue cansel deck
Posted 13 March 2012 at 00:35


wel my friend's got a beastly treefolk http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=307757

as for the others, they look good, im not very great at deckbuilding :x

also, any suggestions to get my decks down to 60 cards?
Posted 15 March 2012 at 02:57


the only deck you have posted there is the treefolk deck... which is 60 cards so im guessing its not the deck your asking for help with
Posted 15 March 2012 at 16:10


my advice to get your deck down to 60 cards
i included the reasoning why i suggested each change so you can choose to either head it or ignore it based on your own personal preferences. after all, at the end of the day its still your deck. :)
executioner's hood - 1. in a blue green deck intimidate isnt all that useful, green is probably the most commonly played color right now so this card doesnt help you all that much
nulltread gargantuan - 2 of all the cards in your deck, this is the one that i was least sure about removing. its a good card, and if it put the creature in your graveyard instead of on top of your library id definitely say go for it. but since it doesnt, its just a big creature that slows you down making you resummon a creature. if you really want to keep them then take out the chasm drakes instead, ill leave that up to you
Brindle Boar -1 the fact that you can sac this card helps you, yes, but you dont really need life gain in this deck, this is an offensive deck so its better to stick on the offense than to worry about life gain
Laboratory Maniac - 2 granted, milling yourself is a distinct possibility in this deck. that being said, your opponents going to pick up on that and hit this guy with a kill spell first chance he gets, so milling yourself while hes on the battlefield is a SLIM possibilty. its not worth the deck spot to go out on a limb like that
Chant of the Skifsang - 1 this is a good card, but its at its best in a control deck where a multiple turn stall is needed. in your deck, having an opponent's creature with 0 attack is going to make it harder to kill your weak creatures, which since you want them in the graveyard is counterproductive
Gnaw to the Bone - 2 This is another one that i had to think long and hard about. I ended up deciding to chunk it because 1) while its a defensive stall that fits very well with your decks strategy, its still just a defensive stall and 2) while it will help you gain alot of life, you should in theory be killing your opponent fast enough to not have to worry about life gain, and if you find otherwise your gonna need alot more than 2 of these. maybe put 4 of them in your sideboard just incase you find a deck thats faster than yours?
mystic retrieval - 1 this card truly shines through its flashback since its cheaper that way, but since you dont run red you cant flashback it. so to be able to bring back 1 instant or sorcery, once? it just doesnt seem worth it since you still have to pay to cast the spell again
clinging mists -1 im personally not a fan of this card, if you have 6 or more life its a 1 turn stall which doesnt accomplish much most of the time unless you have additonal stalls to back it up. if you have 5 or less life, its a 2 turn stall, except that it only stalls the creatures that attacked the first turn on the second turn. that means that any creature your opponent summoned last turn but couldnt attack with because of summoning sickness can still attack this turn... and if your down to 5 life im betting that creatures probably big enough to kill you
Posted 17 March 2012 at 07:22


I did need to cut down to 60, and thank you so much for explaining why you said to ditch each card! I went through and cut the deck down to 60, taking out some of the things you suggested and adding a third forbidden alchemy. Cards like brindle boar and chasm drake cam with the deck, thus why they were there.

Also, could anyone help with this? I'm still trying to build..
Posted 17 March 2012 at 14:26


[QUOTE=pj34]I did need to cut down to 60, and thank you so much for explaining why you said to ditch each card! I went through and cut the deck down to 60, taking out some of the things you suggested and adding a third forbidden alchemy. Cards like brindle boar and chasm drake cam with the deck, thus why they were there.

Also, could anyone help with this? I'm still trying to build..
whats it for? casual play? standard?
Posted 18 March 2012 at 04:39


just casual play, as i feel like its not tourney quality...
Posted 18 March 2012 at 04:53


cancel -2 see counterspell
mana leak -2 see counterspell
counterspell +4 if your playing monoblue anyway and its just for casual, stick with 2 mana to counter, its cheaper than cancel and more effective than mana leak
levitation -2 not a bad idea, but more mana than its worth really
Vapor Snag +2 bouncing for when creatures sneak past your counters
Kraken Hatchling -2 not bad for a 1 drop really, but i just dont think youve got the room for him
Neurok Invismancer-2 not bad, but your already running 4 invisible stalkers, so while his ability to make other creatures unblockable will be missed your good on evasion without him, better to focus on control
Frost Titan +4 a big creature that helps keep your opponent's creatures tapped down, double win
Posted 18 March 2012 at 05:04


There's a couple cards I'm not too sure about in this deck.

Avacyn's Collar is a decent card, but seeing as how you only have the one (and a grand total of 4 humans), it might be better to fill that slot with something that might better fit with what the deck is trying to do.

Similar thoughts with Alluring Siren. It could be nice for creature removal, especially when your creatures get bigger. But between it's weak toughness, and the possiblity for your opponent to pop some sort of combat trick, it just seems less reliable than it should be.

If you decide you want to replace them, I'd recommend either another copy of something already there to add some consistency or maybe look into something like Dream Twist, Think Twice, or Thought Scour

Also, I think you could do decent enough at a casual event, like an FNM or something. Plus, it might give you an idea of what's out there and how to improve your deck further. And if nothing else, it's a good time :)
Posted 18 March 2012 at 05:11


Alias: I appreciate the suggestions, but im kinda on a budget with this deck..i had been keeping it at around $40..but i think ill swap out my invisimancers for two vapor snags. i feel as though Kira, Great Glass Spinner
would be a great addition as well

efinmiller: i'll probably swap avacyn's collar out for a fourth forbidden alchemy, but i kinda like alluring siren, it would work decently with my deathtouch creatures, i think
Posted 18 March 2012 at 05:14


per starcitygames.com:
frost titan - 2.99 each, x4 is $12
counterspell (tempest) .99,x4 is $4
total for those additions to your deck, $16
current average price for your deck is roughly $19
so adding in those cards brings the price to $35
Posted 18 March 2012 at 05:36


Oh, well in that case, ill be sure to look into it! I was weary of cost because a buddy of mine is dropping $200 for a sphinx deck..
Posted 18 March 2012 at 05:38


[QUOTE=pj34]Oh, well in that case, ill be sure to look into it! I was weary of cost because a buddy of mine is dropping $200 for a sphinx deck..[/QUOTE]

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=306490 thats my standard deck... and the price tag on there doesnt even take into account the fact that im determined that all 4 of the lilianas will be foil >.< my desire to have cards i like be shiny is the undoing of my wallet
Posted 18 March 2012 at 05:42


That's a bit more than 40 bucks..but, then again, that's a pretty nice deck too..
Posted 18 March 2012 at 05:57


lol thanks im trying to think of ways to make it ramp faster but havent had any luck yet
Posted 18 March 2012 at 06:03


ah..well im not that great at ramping, i dont really use it..

Also, i really like levitation, despite it costing 4 mana. but im unsure what to swap my krakens for, Ludevic's Test Subject or Fog Bank? maybe Deep-Sea Kraken?

wait, scratch that, i see what you mean about levitation, considering most of my creatures have flying, unblockable, or defender...
Posted 18 March 2012 at 14:56


Pj i'd suggest you looking over the cards i consider for mine and see if some cards would help you out.

Didn't want it to be to similar at first but really you should get rid of Levitation and get a wonder or 2 instead.

you want to get as much as possible in your graveyard, the less none creature cards you have the better for spliterfright, boneyard wurm, ghoultree, Grim flowering, W of Geist and whatever other card i may have forgotten.

as for your friends treefolk deck

quite different yet quite similar to my own. "Serra's Blessing" is quite the interesting I've cut down a lot on plains so not sure if it would go in mine
Posted 18 March 2012 at 22:38


i'm ditching levitation, as all my creatures besides guile have flying or unblockable. for my gravepower, ill probably swtich out some elk and boars for wonder and brawn. for my blue control/aggro, im torn between deep-sea kraken and ludevic's test subject, and i cant decide between robe of mirrors or diplomatic immunity..
Posted 19 March 2012 at 01:07


So i edited both decks, and i think theyre both pretty solid, any more tips?


Posted 19 March 2012 at 21:25
