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I need help with bilding a good treefolk deck.

I want a really good trefolk, but i am really bad atr making decks from any gcard game. can some one help me. I like to have at least 12 to 20 forest, and i like even nuber of lands. I use mostly :manag:, i also use :manab::manaw:
The treefolk I have are:
Dungrove Elder-1
Tilling Treefolk-1
Sapling of Colfenor-1
Crabapple Cohort-2
Indomitable Ancients-1
Unstoppable Ash-1
Black Poplar Shaman-4
Dauntless Dourbark-1
Doran, the Siege Tower- buying one soon, hopfully
Verdeloth the Ancient-1
Ebony Treefolk-1
Blanchwood Treefolk-1
Ironroot Treefolk-1
Posted 23 March 2012 at 02:04


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