Discussion Forum

New Noble Format

There's a new format that's spreading on tappedout called Noble. It's similar to EDH in that you pick a general to use, but the general can be any card you want as long as it's a rare or mythic, even enchantments and instants. The deck does not have to match the color of your general, so if you picked a card such as Increasing Devotion, you're not just limited to white. You could play WB.

The other thing is that you're only allowed that one rare. You can have up to 4 uncommon cards between both you're main deck and side board and the other cards must all be commons. Rarity is decided based on what the cards lowest ever printing was. So since Oblivion ring was printed as a common at one point, it is considered a common for deck building purposes. The same thing applies to Serra Angel, which was printed as a rare at one point. Since it is now printed as an uncommon, it is considered uncommon and can't be used as a general.

For more information, the link to the complete rules is: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/introducing-noble-the-format-1/

The link to my own Noble Deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=321464
Posted 11 April 2012 at 02:01


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