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Old player just coming back.

I played mtg a bit in highschool about 10+ years ago. I just recently got back into the game.

I started out with making a deck I thought I'd be interested in since no one out of all my friends play it.


Yeah yeah I know infect. It doesn't seem to be loved very much. I've gotten some help with it, but more is always better.

Also, I love weird play styles. Upon coming back I was instantly draw toward artifact cards/decks. Now It doesn't have to be artifacts, but does anyone have any suggestions on decks you like to play or would be good to try out.

I'm on somewhat of a budget. My above deck is all i really want to spend at max for the time being so the cheaper the better. Personally characteristics going into a deck. . . I find burn boring. I enjoy either a snowballing effect with games or shooting to get that one powerful creature out either/or.

Color preferences: I enjoy odd combos. Although you could argue nothing is really odd depending on what you want to do. I went Blue Black on the above deck because I was not interested in so much as winning on turn 2/3 as much as I enjoy epic games. Also I haven't played it, but mill seems boring too.

Whats your favorite decks? Suggest something for me! With all the talk of vamp and werewolf etc..... golem decks sounded kind of cool/different.

Posted 17 April 2012 at 01:08


Here's a couple decks you might enjoy. They're both the same in that they want to add counters to things, but they both have different ways of doing it.


This one is also a Proliferate deck, but instead of infect, I use it to make my creatures bigger. I haven't gotten the chance to play it, but I always wanted to make a proliferate deck, and hadn't been really inspired to do so until after I made this next deck...


This deck is different in that it actually makes an effort to sacrifice some of it's creatures. It doesn't do too well in today's meta, as it's a little on the slow side, but it's just amazing in multiplayer games. The last multiplayer game I played, I ended up w/ atleast 6 oozes from Gutter Grime that were 10/10ish and 1 or 2 12/12? Lumberknots, and most of that was from a turns-worth of repeatedly sacing and casting a single Reassembling Skeleton. Even if it isn't one of the better decks out there, it is really fun to play. I'm definitely going to try to keep it around as long as I can.
Posted 17 April 2012 at 04:30


Those both look like pretty interesting decks. The second makes me want to create a black/white deck using assassins to kill force tapped creatures using Gideon's Lawkeeper or some kind of theme like that.

I also like the idea of repeatedly coming back from the graveyard and getting pumps from that. It seems like an annoying play style that would be great to try out. I might try it out ^^

I was thinking about a proliferate deck used for ramps instead of poison counters, but I had not worked on one yet. One problem I see is if they have creature wipe or removal, all those spell and such if focused to one creature would be a waste.
Posted 17 April 2012 at 06:50
