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G/U Mana ramp advice

Hello just looking for some thoughts and suggestions to add or remove from my deck. I haven't yet played against anyone, mostly just been testing the card draw on another site and it seems to do fairly well but again there's no one really trying to kill stuff off or anything.

Noticeable lacking is counter spells and removal but not really sure which to do with and what to get rid of

Posted 22 April 2012 at 16:39


1) Replace Goliath Sphinx with Sphinx of the Magossi - I think this does a couple of things for you. First it will lower your mana curve at not much sacrafice for power. Plus with the Shphinx of the Magossi ability, usually within a turn or two it would be bigger than the Goliath Shinx AND you can draw cards which might allow you to remove cards like tidings or cultivate Freeing up more space.

2) Fastbonds either in conjunction with or instead of Explore. Its an enchantment that essentially gives you the same ability for one mana, however you can put as many as you want out a turn for the cost of one life for everyone you put out in addtion to the first.

3) Utopia Sprawl - Not sure if you are finding you are running into Mana issues to get your bigger creatures out but these could be a way to give you a boost especially for a multi color deck. Some other ideas could either be Elvish Pipers or Lure of Prey.

4) Eldrazi's? - I noticed some large creatures in the deck but didn't notice any of these. Could always be another nice substitution in a multi color deck as you won't be pigeoned holed to having a specific color to cast this creature.
Posted 24 May 2012 at 16:37
