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Starting up again -Black global discard -non-targetting?

Starting back into MTG after quitting around 5th edition. Updated my discard deck, however, this card Leyline Sanctity looks like it will be very agrivating.
(Enchantment, ccWW, can't target player with spells or abilities)

I'm looking for global non targeting discard spells/enchantments for sideboard.
What would be the most awesome would be a global Mind Twist, I would have a chance to build up Racks or Quest for Nihil Stones and drop a global discard.

Would like to find something that does at least 2 cards since 1 would probably not change much and would require too much sideboarding.


Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=326516
-strip mine only because I haven't aquired wastelands yet.
Posted 02 May 2012 at 18:05


Think I may have some solutions...

Hypnotic specter may get replaced with Liliana's specter in the base deck (play testing needed).

Necrogen Mists should help keep them from hoarding cards and allow the Racks and Quests to kill them. (doubt they stack though :( ).

Couple of Painful Quandary too.
Posted 02 May 2012 at 18:49
