Discussion Forum

legacy u/b polymorph


serious suggestions would be helpful.
Posted 07 May 2012 at 02:36


It's a very slow combo at 5 mana with create creature + polymorph or 7 mana with create creature + Proteus Staff and not doing it all in the same turn gives your opponent more chances to interact with the combo.

I think it's going to be very hard for you to get through the combination of Force of Will + Spell Pierce and Swords to plowshares or Lightning bolt depending on which deck your opponent plays, which is pretty much what most decks play these days.

Knight of the reliquary + karakas is also a big problem for you. Karakas pretty much destroys your deck. Gaddock Teeg (with a turn 2 or 3 Green sun's zenith into Gaddock Teeg) destroys your polymorph.
Other hatebears like Ethersworn Canonist and the currently very popular Thalia, Guardian of Thraben will be very problematic to your deck. They slow it down enough to kill you before you can combo out.

Very fast decks will be a problem as well. Decks like goblins and elves will overrun you in 3 to 4 turns. I've lost games where I played emrakul in turn 3 to goblins because they just swarmed me or they could sac 6 permanents and still have enough creatures left to kill me the next turn.

Pox decks will be a huge problem as they play a lot of edict effects like innocent blood, smallpox, Lilliana of the veil, diabolic edict...

Anyway, just pointing out that it will be a very difficult combo to pull off. Something to concider is creature destruction to shoot down hate bears. deathmark seems good as it kills them all I think and is black and costs only 1 mana.
Posted 07 May 2012 at 11:51


dang >_<' thanks for the helpful suggestions. cant really argue with that, maybe you could help me with the deck i actually own?

Posted 13 May 2012 at 05:26
