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I'm facing a Blue/White control deck running swords, jace, stoneforge mystic, (can't remember the name, but it copies another creature, with snapcasters and massive ponder/counterspell etc. He also has tokens come in that he puts the swords on. (he is running at least 2 of the swords so it's protect from most if not all colors.

Are there any decks out there that would do well against this combo?
Posted 07 May 2012 at 05:36


The deck pretty much sounds like legacy Stoneblade control to me. It's a good deck but not unbeatable if you play with a deck that is in the same category of power level and play better then he does.

A good deck against this kind of deck is Sneak and Show. My friend Top8'ed yesterday running this deck, here's his report:


I've played Stoneblade control and it has a really bad matchup against to Show and tell decks, both the hivemind version as well as the Sneak Attack variant.
Posted 07 May 2012 at 15:21


GW Maverick is another deck that does pretty well against Stoneblade

Posted 07 May 2012 at 17:24


Are other legacy decks the other thing that will compare? I really didn't want to drop that much money on it TT
Posted 07 May 2012 at 18:15


hum ya, if you want to have equal footing against one of the top decks of one of the least restricted formats...you're going to have to drop some major coin on it.

if this a casual match-up with a friend, just ask him not to play such a high caliber deck against your more limited resources. Or he could lend you one of his decks that's on a comparable level.

or he could agree to let you play with proxy cards.
Posted 07 May 2012 at 18:27


I kind of figured that was the case. He's in the middle of making a few standard decks right now actually as not many like to play against the legacy with their modern/standard decks.

He's making a Delver deck which I'm sure will have alot of control, ponders, counters as well. He loves blue and white control. It really is frustrating that I almost feel I have to play the same colors to even get things going on my end.
Posted 07 May 2012 at 18:47
