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Deck Challenge: Blue Variation

Well, I have a challenge for you guys that might also help me :). I want to build a Blue variation for this deck of mine but I NEVER played with blue, so I don't even know where to begin. So, here it goes:

-Create a Blue-White, 60 card, Vintage deck based on this 3 "same type" of deck:

-It must have at least 4x Suture Priest, 2x Ajani's Pridemate, 2x Soul's Attendant + something to generate lots of tokens (Armored Ascension, Genesis Chamber, etc.).

-It must only use cards under 3,00 US$.

-Side Board is optional.

And please explain what each card you put in is meant to do ;)
Posted 25 May 2012 at 15:09


I just did something quickly to give you an idea of how I would do it. Mind you, I am not at all an expert; I only wanted to give you some inspiration.

Deck on MTG Vault

3x Myr Retriever - Good if you desperately need a lost Artifact card, and because of its types it synergises with the main idea of the deck. Consider cutting down on these in favour of others.
3x Genesis Chamber - A key card in this deck, since almost all cards are creatures. Might even want 4 of these.
3x Sharding Sphinx - More or less the only big card in this deck, and if you get it out there attacking, you should be home free. Consider more of these (or the two biggies found in the sideboard).
4x Gold Myr - Not only does it give you mana, which enables you to cut down on the amount of lands you have, it also synergises with Myrsmith and a whole bunch of other cards. Consider only 3 of these.
3x Silver Myr - As w/ Gold Myr.
3x Myr Sire - Simple, cheap Myr with a good bonus. Consider swapping for Myr Galvanizer.

3x Chronozoa - The copy ability works identically for the copies, which is why this is a beast in this deck. Being a relatively big flying creature is not too shabby, either.
2x Cloudseeder - Helps you getting more tokens onto the battlefield cheaply. Consider switching for others.
4x Soul's Attendant - As this was your pick, I assume it is obvious.
4x Ajani's Pridemate - Same as Attendant.
4x Myrsmith - The first card I thought of for this deck. You have a lot of Artifacts in here, which equals a lot of Myrs.
4x Suture Priest - Same as Attendant and Pridemate.

4x Boreal Shelf
2x Azorius Chancery
8x Plains
6x Island

I would perhaps consider upping the Sphinx to 4, only because I love it and it synergises well with this deck, I believe. The 20 lands should be enough with the 7 mana Myrs.

Being a :manau:/:manaw: deck, there are a lot of spells you could throw in there for protection/counter/draw at the expense of combo. Also, you might want to consider putting some Myr Galvanizers in there. Finally, I would love to see both Indomitable Archangel and Argent Sphinx in the main deck, especially since it's short on big creatures, but I just did not have the energy to rework the deck. I would probably sideboard something like this (even though I have not checked the respective costs of these cards):

3x Dispense Justice
2x Divination
2x Counterspell
2x Dispatch
2x Banishing Stroke
2x Indomitable Archangel
2x Argent Sphinx

EDIT: After consulting a friend, we concluded that it would be best to discard all Myr Sires, all Cloudseeders, one Gold Myr, one Myr Retriever and one Ajani's Pridemate. Instead of these 8, you should go for 3x Perilous Myr, 3x Myr Galvanizer and 2x Indomitable Archangel. Finally, you are going to want to include a few removals and/or counters, since the deck is very susceptible to large creatures. I would put 2x Dispense Justice, 2x Dispatch and 1x Banishing Stroke in there. I would cut down on Myrsmiths, Chronozoas, Silver Myrs and Sharding Sphinxes.
Posted 28 May 2012 at 13:15


thank you so much!
I'll give it a look right now!
Posted 28 May 2012 at 20:15


Also, if you are afraid of not getting the Metalcraft trigger from Dispatch, you can always swap it for Arrest instead. It is more expensive, but also a safer bet!
Posted 28 May 2012 at 20:35
