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please help me with any suggestion.

I need a good(the best) deck agains mono black discard deck!!!
I want to kick the ass of my friend since he just copied my dack :D

thanks in advance for any suggestion

Posted 08 June 2012 at 10:54


This will do it if you can pilot it:

4 Bloodghast
3 Gigapede
4 Golgari Grave-Troll
4 Golgari Thug
4 Ichorid
1 Iona, Shield of Emeria
4 Narcomoeba
4 Nether Shadow
4 Phantasmagorian
4 Shambling Shell
4 Stinkweed Imp
4 Street Wraith
1 Woodfall Primus

4 Bridge from Below
4 Cabal Therapy
4 Dread Return

3 Dakmor Salvage

It's the one deck that wants to be in the graveyard. Manaless Dredge.
Posted 08 June 2012 at 12:56


Thanks SETH,

I'll try it for sure
how many land do you suggest?

Posted 08 June 2012 at 13:04


The deck is complete as I posted it. It plays 3 land, Dakmor Salvage with the only purpose of reccuring Bloodghast that's it. The deck doesn't need mana. That's the beauty of it. It needs a graveyard, that's all. It breaks the rules of magic as they were supposed to be.
Posted 08 June 2012 at 13:28


OMG....wow...this is that kind of stuff that I like :D

sorry...I'm at work and just take a quick look and didn't noticed any land...in addition of Dakmor Salvage

great..can't wait to try it


Posted 08 June 2012 at 13:36



wow..this deck is hard....or I don't get some things. there are so many connections...that is making me crazy...don't know what to do..to many options

for example: dredge:
i'm a draw phase and instad draw I'll use dredge x. but If I have more than one creature with dredge in the graveyard...can I use dredge for all cratures in the single draw phase?

then Cabal Therapy:
I'm I right if I say that when you use this card for the 1st time has no sense?
but after that, when you see the hand of the opponent..than is magic?

thanks in advance for help
Posted 08 June 2012 at 21:42


dredge is a replacement effect, each time you would draw a card you may activate a the dredge ability of a single card in your graveyard. Basically you select wich dredge card to use, you return the card to your hand and you dredge X cards as described in the dredge cost.

cabal therapy is the best/most powerful discard card ever printed. In tournament play even casting it blind is pretty good as you often know what to choose. Most of the time you'll say force of will because usually it's the only card that can counter dread return which is usually is your easiest way to win.

The deck plays as follows:

- when you win the toss let your opponent start
- draw a card, do nothing and discard your 8th card, this needs to be a card with dredge
- next turn dredge. Nacromoebas automatically enter the battelfield when they go in the yard from your library. That is one way of getting creatures in play. Ichorid is another. And then there are a few other creatures that can be cheated into play from the yard.
You can either kill your opponent with ichorids, or you can use bridge from below to generate a lot of zombies. You can use both cabal therapy to sac creatures or sac them to dread return or have creatures like ichorid die at the end of turn automatically to trigger bridge from below.
With dread return you can cheat in big creatures like Iona. Know that if you have 4 Bridge From Below in your graveyard and 1 of your non token creatures goes to the graveyard from play all 4 bridges trigger and you'll get 4 zombie tokens.

Street Wraith is used for its cycle ability. For two life you get to draw a card which you dredge instead giving you a way to dredge.
Phantasmagorian is a way to get your dredge creatures in the yard from your hand.

It's imposible to beat this deck without dedicated graveyard hate unless you play a very fast combo deck. This deck destroys both aggro decks and control decks.
Posted 08 June 2012 at 23:35


Hi Seth,

great...thanks for explonation
but I've got 2 more things to clerify:

I've noticed that a TOKEN is treated like a creature. Right? :confused:
-I can attack/block other creatures with them?:confused:
-sacrifice them to pay the flashback cost(example)for cabal therapy?:confused:
or dread return?:confused:
-if there are 3 TOKENS in the graveyard above Nether Shadow I can return it on the bettlefield?:confused:

2.Bridge from Below
If I have all 4 Bridge from Below in the graveyard and a creature goes into the oponent's graveyard from the battlefield...do I have to exile all 4 Bridge from Below???:confused:

this would be the last 2 things to get the full understanding of this deck..I suppose:o

thanks again for your help

br Rade
Posted 10 June 2012 at 21:28


I know I'm not Seth, but these are fairly simple rules questions. I hope you guys don't mind me butting in :)

1. Token creatures are basically the same as any other creature while on the battlefield, but once they leave the battlefield they cease to exist. So...
-No, because although tokens do enter the graveyard, they cease to exist immediately after

2. Bridge from Below's 2nd ability is a triggered ability which looks for a specific trigger condition, namely: a creature entering an opponent's graveyard while Bridge is in your graveyard. If this condition is met, it will trigger any and all Bridges in your graveyard. So yes, if all 4 are in your yard and a creature is put into an opponent's yard, then you must exile all 4 Bridges.
Posted 11 June 2012 at 06:15


Hi efinmiller,

thanks for your reply and don't worry...you are welcome with any suggestion/explonation/clerification etc.
thanks again:)

and now the final question:
why I'm asking? because I kicked my friends ass for 6 time in a row :D(final result 6:1) and every time we started a new game he was more angry :mad:. He was repeating "no, this is not possible..there is something wrong..such deck is to strong...impossible to play agains it...than suddenly he get an idea how to win...and after 3 sec he changed his mind" :D
and then he started asking me " do you know any combination/deck to play against such deck?I don't see any possibility, do you?:D do you have fun playing with this deck?:D In your place I wouldn't be since this deck is to strong, boring:D
and since we were comunicating via skype(no video) I laughed in silenc lika a little boy with a new candy :D

a yes...the best part was Iona....and he was playing mono black....with 2x liliana's carres on the battlefield...his life 18..mine 1....and I won :D

since I introduced him in MTG world a couple of weeks ago and since he just only copied my discard deck(ok..he made some modifications) and since he was winning a lot of games while I was trying to beat a discard with different combinations I wanted him to move on from it. To see that MTG is not only discard but a lot other beautifull combinations

thanks again for this great deck

br Rade
Posted 11 June 2012 at 07:04


efinmiller: thanks for posting man!
bers13: The deck isn't banned but it is a tournament deck. Noone in his right mind plays this to have fun in a casual game. You asked me what beats mono black discard and well, I don't get how he even managed to win 1 game, probably because you screwed up somehow :)

I know many tournament players and I'm one myself, I have all the expensive cards and I can build any legacy deck I like, BUT all of these guys I know, myself included, either test legacy in order to get better or prepare for a tournament or we put the heavy guns aside and play casual (usually EDH). When playing casual we don't play combo decks and we houserule against the really broken stuff. It keeps things fun because playing competitive magic all the time does tend to get very boring. Playing a nice relaxed casual multiplayer game can be very refreshing.
I can't blame your friend for hating this deck and I suggest you both start playing something both of you enjoy, two decks that are balanced where playing well makes the difference and games are not determined by who playes the better deck.

As for your question if this deck is banned. No it isn't and although it's a good deck it's by no means unfair compared to all the other popular decks. In fact at the moment this version isn't played anymore because it's to slow to beat combo and there's a lot of that right now.
Also this deck is vulnerable to graveyard hate and every tournament deck has enough of that in sideboard to have a fair chance beating decks like this one.
If your friend starts playing Grafdigger's Cage for instance or leyline of the void or Planar Void to name but a few you're going to have a hard time winning :)
Posted 11 June 2012 at 08:00


Hi Seth,

you right, it was not fun playing this deck..at least after the second game. It was a heavy feeling playing it, can't explain. But the purpose was to move my friend from that deck.

How I lose that 1 game, yes I screw it up. I missed 1 thing and got low life and he made me 2 cards with 2x liliana's carres in play

so thank you for the help to kick his ass :D

yes, playing such deck with friends it become boring afret some games..you're right..and I see now(i hope I'm not wrong) the purpose of EDH deck.
But I suppose there are also some combos in EDH too.

Well you know, I'm not a tournament player..no time...playing MTG just for fun..with some friend with same status and must admit....MTG is the best rule/card(whatever) game played.

Seth, thanks for now. You're great,quick reply and I see in it, that you enjoy helping people like me. You are not bothered with stupid questions that are obvious for you - hope I'm not wrong.

thanks thanks thanks again

ps:give me any good suggestion for EDH deck :)
Posted 11 June 2012 at 10:10


Building EDH decks has a bit of a learning curve but once you understand how the format works it actually becomes easier to build a good 100 card singleton deck then it is building a good 60 card regular deck. At least for me building EDH decks is easier.
I did explain to someone here on the forum in an EDH thread about my percentage system. Maybe if you browse through the EDH board you can find it.

if you want to start playing EDH the 5 commander decks wizards sold a while back are a great base to build on and provide excellent generals. I don't know you can still get your hands on these decks but if you can they are well worth buying (I think I paid 100Euro for all 5decks).

Basically pick a general (preferably a multicolored general, mono colored generals force a more liniar strategy which is less fun to play), pick 59 cards in the color identity range of your general, throw in 40 land and start playing. Do look around at what cards other players play, it's the best way to discover new cards.

An easy general to start with is Sygg, River Cutthroat. He allows you to play black and blue spells and you can build a pretty strong deck that isn't all that expensive. Blue has all the draw spells and black all the creature hate and cool creatures with great abilities. It's one of my oldest EDH decks and it still kicks ass.
Posted 11 June 2012 at 11:21


Maybe you could try playing Madness :)
Posted 06 July 2012 at 15:00


thanks racky54

I'll follow your advise :)

I'm also on cocatrice....not a lot...bers13(if I remeber :o)

see ya
Posted 06 July 2012 at 15:50
