Discussion Forum

Is Mono White Dead in M13?

I'm a brand new player, and I really love plains. :manaw:Obsessively so:manaw:. I built some "anything goes" decks, and then learned the rules for Standard deck building. The more I look at the M13 Core spoilers, the more I get the feeling that mono-white (or mono-anything for that matter) will become hard to run in tournaments, so I built this spin-off of a white lifegain deck (link is below).

The idea is to have life gain cycling every turn, and having the option to remove monsters that would upset the balance. Avacyn + DoJ for killshot. I'd love feedback from those who have a better card vocabulary than I do to see how to make this viable in a tournament setting. Thanks in advance!

Posted 30 June 2012 at 22:27


I'm working on a mono-white as well, hoping it will be at least good enough for FNM. I'll have a look at yours, maybe you could have a look at mine?

Posted 09 July 2012 at 08:22


most times mono-coloured decks cannot compete with the versatility of multi-coloured ones.
Posted 09 July 2012 at 12:26


I agree, most of the times this is true. But sometimes it's nice with monocolored :D
Posted 09 July 2012 at 13:06


While I don't think monocolored white will outright die (maybe for high level tourney play), I do think you'd be better off to play 2+ colors, especially once return to ravnica is released.
Posted 09 July 2012 at 16:19


Mono white in M13 appears to be excessive life gain, & exalted. It looks like it would work if you can weenie it out with a bunch of little dudes, then play Sublime Aechangel who gives em' all exalted. Token production 1 & 2 drops, Serras Avenger :manaw::manaw: 3/3 you gotta wait till turn 4 to play anything to boost. Thats how I see it anyway. I always felt if you like build it whether its tier 1 or s**t at tournaments.
Posted 10 July 2012 at 13:47


Monowhite Exalted
Posted 16 July 2012 at 01:21
