Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: Evil plants! D:

Ok ok so my challenge is to build a green/black deck using Vulturous Zombie with tree folk/fungus monsters and some discard power. Good luck!
Posted 26 July 2012 at 11:47


Vulturous Zombie is a cool card and the popular way I've seen it pumped is via mill cards like Glimpse the Unthinkable, but that requires adding :manau: to the :manab::manag: deck. After some searching, I found 2 equipments that don't require :manau:, but still allow for the Mill that is favored for pumping Vulturous Zombie - Sword of Body and Mind and Trepanation Blade. I'm too lazy to make a deck for this, but hopefully this comment will help others.
Posted 26 July 2012 at 13:33
