Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: Avacyn, Worldslayer

Ok so this deck challenge is simple. I was going through my rares trying to find a new deck idea when I thought of Avacyn while looking at Worldslayer. So the challenge is build a deck made to bring Avacyn and Worldslayer to the field and equipping her with it and dominating everything. Go!
Posted 29 July 2012 at 00:21



I figured I'd go ahead and add in a bit of card draw and an alternate way to protect most of your other permanents in case you can't get Avacyn out. An army of already indestructible knights doesn't hurt.
Posted 29 July 2012 at 11:36


Here's mine. It uses Avacyn's ability in conjunction with darksteel creatures to ensure that worldslayer and day of judgement only hurt your opponent. Meanwhile, various other cards help draw cards, search for lands, and search for worldslayer.

Posted 29 July 2012 at 13:37


This deck is built for speed and has the potential to have Avacyn Angel of Hope out on the 5th turn and ready to attack equipped with the Worldslayer on the 6th.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 19:16
