Discussion Forum

My second attempt: A Dark Night Rises

Check this one out. Here's the deck link:

The main purpose of this deck is to drain life from the opponents and give it back to you, ala vampires, but it's not quite a vampire deck. You'll find some bigger creatures in this mix as well to help do some heavy damage later on, and a few other control aspects and buffs to help those little guys be a bit more of a burden. This was built with a 60 card deck in mind for beginner players who want to see how things can work together a bit more.

This was only my second attempt at building a deck ever, but I sat down and actually read the cards and tried to implement things that would punish the opponent for laying down creatures or even attacking.
Thoughts and comments always are welcome, tell me if I'm doing a bit better than my last run with Green Heat, which should've been named Russian Roulette LOFL. Thanks again.
Posted 29 July 2012 at 06:24


If you look at the mana curve, it starts out lower than a normal deck should, with only 3 spells that cost 1 mana. It also doesn't seem to have a very big finisher, such as Phyrexian Obliterator, Griselbrand, or Wurmcoil Engine. It seems to be lacking a high end quick deathblow. Even something like a Shade ability :manab::This creatures gets +1/+1 until end of turn would be very useful.
Posted 29 July 2012 at 11:25


Thanks fr the above advice. I just took out 2 blood reckoning and added 2 akromas memorial. Thoughts or suggestions is very appreciated!!
Posted 29 July 2012 at 19:20
