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Navigator's Chalice

So here's a deck idea i have, with lots of possiblities...

think of these cards with Deadeye Nav.

Thragtusk - Cycle to gain 5 life, get beasts
Primeval Titan - get 2 lands constantly gg?
Acidic Slime - can you say "Goodbye swords!" "Goodbye Opponents LANDS HAHA"
Frost Titan - Tap that, Tap that, Tap that, Tap that...

Need i say more...

On top of that, lets talk Glimmer posts, a max gain of 10 life, just for playing a land, is pretty sweet f you ask me.

Metamorphs, meet Chalice of Death, and become one!

The deck is about being able to kill with Chalice of death. If that doesn't Happen, lots of stompy, land destruction, and life gain, should do the trick...

Just need to work the sideboard


Let me know your thoughts, and possible ideas!
Posted 05 August 2012 at 01:31


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