Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: Ranks of the Dead

Zombies have a lot of power in standard right now, and they'll keep most of that power after rotation in October, however... Endless Ranks of the Dead is a card that I believe doesn't have enough love towards it. but think of the madness, zombie spamming with Mikaeus the Unhallowed on the board. seriously powerful.
My challenge is simple: Build a competitive Zombie Deck for standard around Endless Ranks of the Dead.
This deck can be Mono-:manab: or a mix of colors, as long as it uses the Ranks to it's fullest
Good luck!!
Posted 13 August 2012 at 10:58


The problem with cards like Endless Ranks of the Dead and Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is their cost. They are powerful once you get them going, but that normally happens slower than most tournament quality decks. I will be trying to design a Endless Ranks of the Dead deck later, but I doubt it'll be tournament quality.
Posted 13 August 2012 at 15:14
