Discussion Forum

first deck attempt, suggestionsplease( g/w)

2x pathbreaker wurm
Dearly departed
Seraph of dawn
War priest of Thune
Griffin protector
2x guardian of akrasa
2x crusader of odric
Intrepid hero
Rhox faithmender
Cathedral sanctifier
Sublime archangel
Ajani caller of the pride
Ambush viper
Stampeding rhino
Primordial hydra

Natural end
Titanic growth
Moment of heroism
Safe passage
GuardiAns pledge banishing stroke
Angels mercy
Divine deflection
Shoe of valor


Rancordivine favor
Oblivion ring
Posted 13 August 2012 at 19:47


This is a very good lineup of cards! Cards that you have like ajani, primordial Hydra, and sublime archangel work really well in the right deck, but this deck seems a bit scattered. Were you hoping to play at Friday night magic or is this just for casual play? Either way, this could be a lot better if you focus the deck a bit more. I suggest you pick a card or two that you really like, and look around for more cards that fit their theme. If sublime archangel is your favorite, for example, get more cards with exalted and consider making the deck black and white. If you love rhox faithmender, try a life gain deck. If you decide on some cards or at least a general theme, I'd be glad to try and help some more. :)

Also, don't trade sublime archangel or ajani easily. Both are very expensive cards, like $20+
Posted 16 August 2012 at 04:15
