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I'm sure it's been questioned a lot.. Cloudshift

I'd love to understand Cloudshift and all of that "stack" stuff some more, I understand some of how it works but a few of my friends who are somewhat new to MTG still argue over it.

In one game I attacked and he went to use Path to Exile on my creature, I used my first Cloudshift so that it wouldnt be flickered and then he retaliated with mana leak. Seeing as how I couldnt afford the extra mana I just played the second Cloudshift I had saved in my hand. Would my creature still be in play or what would happen?

Also, If I declare my attackers and then he goes to remove my creature and I Cloudshift it- I can't make it attack since its a 'new creature' right?
Posted 10 October 2012 at 16:19


So, in your case, the stack looks like so:

1-Path to Exile, targetting Creature #1
2-Cloudshift #1, targetting Creature #1
3-Mana Leak, targetting Cloudshift #1
4-Cloudshift #2, targetting Creature #1

Now, everyone agrees to not respond to Cloudshift #2. The cards in the stack resolve in last in, first out (LIFO) order starting with the newest one:

-Cloudshift #2 resolves. Creature #1 is exiled and thus 'leaves play' and ceases to exist. When the card comes back, it is now a different but identical creature we'll call Creature #2 'coming into play'. It's the same as if the card was returned to your hand and you played it again immediately (This includes summoning sickness).
After this, the rest of the stack is kind of irrelevant.
-Mana Leak will counter Cloudshift #1.
-Lastly, Path to Exile has no target (Creature #1 is long gone) and fizzles (It does nothing at all).

This example seems a little thin, so I don't know if it really helps explain much about how the stack works. Maybe you have more specific questions?
Posted 13 October 2012 at 16:51


Well I certainly understand it more now, thanks.
Posted 13 October 2012 at 18:34
