Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge Revival: Spirit Nuke

This was a challenge DedWards did about a year ago when I first joined MTGVault. I was reminded about it when DedWards posted in surewhynot's

Tunnel Death challenge. The idea here is to win by abusing Kokusho, the Evening Star's death trigger, preferably by getting out 4 at once.

I've seen/built versions using Living Death, Infinite Reflection, and Safe Haven. Feel free to use one of these cards or break Kokusho in your own creative way!

Good luck and have fun :)
Posted 17 October 2012 at 23:31


Here's my idea so far:
I can sucessfully play kukosho really quickly, I am uncertain though if the whole build holds up against other decks especially control or burn decks.

I would appreciate the feedback, and if you could look at my reanimate/ control deck that I am trying to build, I would appreciate it even more.
Posted 18 October 2012 at 04:37


Replace borgadan hellkite and you can kukoshuko nuke turn 1
Posted 18 October 2012 at 16:51
