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Any advice on my Goblin Deck?


I'm just 2-3 months into playing Magic, Goblins were the very first deck I started with. It's been modified several times over since then of course.

I only play Casual, if that make's any difference.
Posted 08 November 2012 at 06:28


why charbelcher? It doesn't fit the deck at all.

Mogg War Marshal is far better then any of the token generating sorceries you're running.

check out Goblin Ringleader, he's one of the best goblins.

Those Warren Instigator would have an easier time hitting home if you played some removal like lightning bolt for instance.
Posted 08 November 2012 at 08:01


[QUOTE=Seth]why charbelcher? It doesn't fit the deck at all. [/QUOTE]

Not sure why you think it doesn't fit? I have it in there specifically because a friend of mine I play with all the time plays a mana ramped Artifact deck with all Indestructible cards. And usually by turn 3 or 4 he has either Darksteel Forge or Akroma's Memorial out.
Posted 08 November 2012 at 08:08


So basically it's your way of dealing damage when your creatures can't get through anymore. That makes sense but wouldn't it be better to attack his type of deck by dipping white and playing some artifact hate?

Revoke Existence seems excellent and requires only 1:manaw: so it's not that much of a strain on your landbase.

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is pretty good at stalling decks playing a lot of non creature spells. Then you've got specific hate cards like Kataki, War's Wage. Aura of Silence is powerful but harder to cast.

Now I do realize that these cards also make your deck less aggresive and downright bad against orther creature decks that don't play artifacts/enchantments. Playing with sideboard would be an option that could solve this problem.
Posted 08 November 2012 at 08:37


I like your thinking, will definitely look at adding some of what you are suggesting to sideboard.
Posted 08 November 2012 at 19:46
