Discussion Forum

New Competitive Decks?

Anyone active enough in standard knows that the meta shifted a lot in RTR. Jund, naya, zombies, esper control, RDW, bant enchantments, reanimator, and others have been top decks this season. But what now?

Gatecrash wasn't as influential as return to ravnica, but it did bring plenty of playable standard cards, including the rest of the shock lands. So much is possible this standard, that it is hard to guess what the best decks will be. What do you think? What decks will hold their thrones, and what decks will rise to the top?
Posted 31 January 2013 at 02:09


I'm gonna say these will be top tier:

RB Aggro
Naya Aggro
Naya Midrange (different than Naya Aggro)
Esper Control
Naya Humans

With these lingering on Tier 2:
Bant Control
Boros Aggro
Junk Craterhoof
Angel of Glory's Rise Huminator
Mono Red Aggro
Posted 05 February 2013 at 03:31


The cipher deck I just made is the best. Check it out . I really want to know if I am mistaken. It's called Cipher deck. Put it to the test and you'll see what I mean.
Posted 16 February 2013 at 07:01
