Discussion Forum

Primal Surge?

I'm playing animar and I wanna try and cheat out a primal surge for game. Anybody know of any ways to find the surge? I have no trouble getting to ten mana, just finding the card is difficult....
Posted 12 April 2013 at 20:16


Mystical Tutor got down to 5$ so that would work.
Posted 13 April 2013 at 16:18


I'm assuming you're wanting permanent based ways of finding it since including spells to find it will just make it whiff more often...

There are no creatures in the colors to pull it out, however, Diluvian Primordial and Chancellor of the Spires would be able to cast a tutor used by an opponent assuming Mystical/Demonic Tutor and friends see much play in your meta.

New Jace ultimate would cheat it out... If you're using Doubling Season, it will ultimate immediately so you don't run the risk of it dying right before you're able to do it.

Planar Portal would work but is expensive as all hell at 12 mana for first card...

Grinning Totem would allow you to tutor out a Mystical Tutor from an opponent's deck.
Posted 19 April 2013 at 11:08
