Discussion Forum

Mono Blue vs. U/B Fae

I am wanting to really break into the modern format, and the deck that most interests me is faeries. Not sure why, considering I am mostly an aggro or midrange player, but hey. My question is this: which makeup is better, and why? I know with Bitterblossom banned, a lot of people would say there is no point in going U/B, but I like the idea of Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek, as well as other targeted removal. I have heard arguments that mono blue has better tempo however.
So if you run fae, or have run fae, or read a lot about these decks... what do you think?
Posted 30 April 2013 at 15:12


Been playing around with a Modern Mono Blue Illusion deck for the past few weeks. Its pretty quick and has some mid-game tricks built in.
Not really tournament ready but showing some potential, (and pretty damn cheap to boot!).
Take a look, maybe you can use it as a developmental tool...?
Posted 16 June 2013 at 13:28


ive been playing a mono blue talrand and i love it.....everytime i take the deck apart, i always re build it
Posted 24 June 2013 at 15:08
