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Mono Blue aggro/control

Little cheap mono blue deck I made for my daughter (age 7) who just started playing. Lots of fast, evasive creatures and a fair amount of control to slow down the opponent. I can't put in two much interaction yet as she doesn't understand it, she gets playing creatures, tapping them to attack and calculating damage and such, blocking and power and toughtness. Basic simple stuff like that.

I put in a single Vedalken Shackles as the, sort of, treasure card of the deck, adds a little excitement to drawing into that single really powerful card.

here's Mono Blue Winds

Posted 28 June 2013 at 11:40


What this deck needs is some Cryptic Command. One of the best control cards in the game with a CMC of only 4! This card mtg Cryptic Command Foil 1x x1 magic cards - Modern Masters NM / Mint can be found cheap at http://www.ebay.com/itm/300927955355?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649. Don't miss out on this awesome card!
Posted 02 July 2013 at 05:52


Pump Mech is another thing that keeps the young'uns occupied, (Like Krovikan Mist). +1/+1 tokens and such also sharpens math skills.
Posted 20 July 2013 at 02:51


Cool deck for casual play. I would oriented it more for a weenie deck, cause the mill mechanic would need more specific cards to be more consistant. Consider to add Lords like Adaptive Automaton effect to pump cretures without target them, and Clone,to say one that comes to my mind to copy the lords, the best would be Phantasmal Image imo, but of course is not cheap. And for defense, counterspell effect could be a solution, and your daughter could learn a new play mechanic. As options, i would suggest Intervene (to protect the Ilussions) Counterspell fou course, and Negate could be useful to. Hope it helps, please comment my deck too if have time, i need feedback to improve it, http://www.mtgvault.com/sieg021/decks/the-rock/
Posted 20 July 2013 at 10:39


Hey guys

thanks for the feedback

magicviking: Yeah that's seems to work well for her, counting all the bonuses, it's ideal for her age. I should find more ways to boost her blue guys.

Sieg021:Counterspells are to difficult for her age, she doesn't get that and even if she did she can't time stuff like that. I see a lot of decks on this site where poeple use counterspells in a deck that isn't fit to play them, It takes a very good player and deck builder to use counterspells effectivly.
I have 1 Adaptive Automaton that I'm not using anyway so I guess I could put that in. Phantasmal Image is what I concider a legacy staple and I don't let the kids play with quality cards like that :)
The mill cards are alreay gone, you are right, they had no place being there.
Posted 22 July 2013 at 07:35
