Discussion Forum

obzedat, ghost council edh

Long time no see mtgforums., havent been on in a while. But anyhow, i'm pretty new to building and playing edh, ive built a few decks before but never did much with them so i scrapped them. But ive been getting into this format alot more now and playing it alot more. I find it really fun, but ive been playing around with this deck now and i really like how its played out. Its a really fun deck to play but i would like some feed back from some more experienced edh players and/or suggestions for it. If you have any opinions or suggestions id like to hear them. Thanks.

Posted 13 July 2013 at 01:03


Ive been updating it, and its kinda morphed into a board control/reanimate. Any opinions, advice, and suggestions would be appreciated.
Posted 17 July 2013 at 21:34


Wow, long time no see Chew =]

I'm also working on an Obzedat EDH, so as I get closer to completing it, I'll drop by to see if I can't offer some advice (Or gain some in return) =]
Posted 18 July 2013 at 00:52


Thanks buddy :)
Id be interested to see another take on him as a commander. Everyone i faced so far hates him, nothing like making the opponentz save mana for a removal they have to play on my turn. Not to mention his lifegain and drain life really stacks up. But ya, i'd like to know what you think of my build, i really like this deck, its been too fun to play with. But you're way more experienced in edh for sure than i am so your input would be much appreciated.

Send me the link of yours when your done :p
Posted 18 July 2013 at 01:03


why not just play Ghost Council of Orzhova, he's so much better and does a simular thing?
Posted 18 July 2013 at 14:59


I like the obzedat leaving play without me having to sac a creature, i can see how handy orzhovas abiluty would be to flicker him when ever i sac a creature to avoid removal, but i like obzedats automatic flicker and 2 life instead of one. He still is tough to remove cause you gotta do it on my turn. I also like him being stronger and gaining haste..... butttt also i dont own orzhova haha so thats probably the biggest reason.
Posted 18 July 2013 at 15:08
