Discussion Forum

Standard UB Combo

Good morning

There are two cards now in standard that i fancy:

Elite Arcanist and Silence

Together they are boring, but nice i am the type of player that is only really happy by winning with combo even if it is a small one i feel the need to win by combo or at least to make my opponents game harder by it.

so with this two i am thinking on going back to standard play(been playing only EDH for a year).

So here is my attempt and i would like your help by making the deck worth it, by improving it, informing me what are the actual match ups, sideboard...


Thank you in advance.
Best regards
Alexandre Jesus
Posted 16 July 2013 at 10:04


I love Silence and Arcanist
I'm thinking a r/w/b version to use nvix cyclops to capitalize on the combo. making the other player watch as you swing atlease a 4/4 each turn and they have no way to respond.
Posted 16 August 2013 at 15:51
